Ad orientem, or facing away from the people. When I first read facing East, I actually thought, “I already face East”… took a second for this image to appear in my mind Stunned and then figured I was dreaming. I figured I would just have my people turn around and we would all be covered. IContinue reading “Facing East? REALLY?”
Monthly Archives: July 2016
Bow, Genuflect or both
Do I bow or Genuflect? We were always taught, bow to Altar and genuflect to Blessed Sacrament. Simple enough to write, but in reality… #49 of the General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM) says:
Like vs love
There is the old joke that God so loved the world that He didn’t send a committee. That being said, I think in reality the bigger gift is that he only commanded us to Love one another. Not easy, on its own, but a great deal easier to accomplish than to like everyone which isContinue reading “Like vs love”
Pro Life
This could surprise many of you, but I hate when pro-life groups ask me to speak. It almost never ends well. No one argues with the phrase that we support life from conception to natural death, until you bring up examples or issues that in my opinion dilute the message. Or when the truth isContinue reading “Pro Life”
I am not sure we understand what mercy really is about and in this age of Google, I am not sure that we will ever get there. I waited weeks to publish the first time. After preaching on the feast of Sts Peter and Paul I needed to write this. I think the fact thatContinue reading “Mercy”
The Plank in our Eye
Having worn contacts since the mid 70’s this is a very painful image. Even a piece of dust under a contact is like the Rock of Gibralter under there. I have taken them out while driving and many of other times to stop the pain. I used to take this as just another analogyContinue reading “The Plank in our Eye”