Reflections, first political, after a Pilgrimage to Israel

Reflections, first political, after a Pilgrimage to Israel

I am writing this for awareness of something I learned that I didn’t expect to as profoundly and I think most of my group feels the same.  I am working on 3 other blogs for Holy Week that are faith based coming from our trip.  (with pictures)  There is a group in San Antonio that talks about the issues, but I always have felt that they have an unspoken agenda.  I have learned a political reality, that I think the world needs to know.

I realized the tension between the Jewish and Muslim or Palestinian communities in the area.  You can’t watch the news and not be made aware.  I understand both sides of the issue to some degree.  I realize know that I had a prejudice in that in favor of the Israelis, that maybe isn’t deserved.

The Israeli people want the Holy Land to themselves and are doing everything in their power to remove all others from that land.

I have heard that, but to see and feel what the Israeli people are doing has caused me serious questions.  If you are not an Israeli (have to be a Jew to be considered Israeli), which includes being a Christian, they want you out and only give you water 2 days a week.  Yes, you have to have a water tank on top of your house and you only get water two days a week and have to ration.  The Israeli’s say there is a shortage, but there is no sign of a shortage in hotels, no signs to reuse towels or any other sense of a water shortage.

For me the real kicker was is that with the wall, many services have been cut off to the Palestinians especially in West Bank.  In Bethany there is trash everywhere.  They have no way to remove it.  There is no money and the Palestinian Authority has no way to remove trash.  It was disgusting and smelly.

They don’t let non-Israelis travel into Jerusalem except for twice a year.  Christians on Easter and Christmas.  Muslims on their special days.  Think of the implications for that.  The Christian community is down to less than 2% in the Holy Land.  They need our support!  We need to support them at least to protect the places where Jesus was.

How to help?

Our Good Friday Collection.  Great way to send money that will get to the right places.

Take a Pilgrimage there.  Learn and see how important this is while supporting Christians in Holy Land.

Write to your politicians.  Not that they listen right away, but if enough people write, they will have to act.

Use iBreviary and support the Franciscans who use the donation from that app to help them protect the Holy Lane.