I am not sure we understand what mercy really is about and in this age of Google, I am not sure that we will ever get there. I waited weeks to publish the first time. After preaching on the feast of Sts Peter and Paul I needed to write this. I think the fact thatContinue reading “Mercy”
Author Archives: Pat
The Plank in our Eye
Having worn contacts since the mid 70’s this is a very painful image. Even a piece of dust under a contact is like the Rock of Gibralter under there. I have taken them out while driving and many of other times to stop the pain. I used to take this as just another analogyContinue reading “The Plank in our Eye”
4 July and here come the Flags- Pet-Peeve #2
Some background to maybe keep you reading, before I get into why I think there should be no flags. My dad served for almost 30 years in the US Air Force. I server for 13 years in the USAF Reserves. I have lost friends and do whatever I can to support our military. I wasContinue reading “4 July and here come the Flags- Pet-Peeve #2”
I don’t think it is wrong or is a sin, but I’m afraid of hell!
I was told this by a young person after asking, why do you think “x” is a sin. The full answer was “I don’t think it is a sin, but I’m afraid of hell and am ‘hedging’ my bets.” This betrays a belief that God can be “played” or that God really doesn’t know whatContinue reading “I don’t think it is wrong or is a sin, but I’m afraid of hell!”
Do we really need the Presentation of the Gifts?
In an effort to save time or make things simpler and to make things easier for servers, I have heard people suggest we can skip the offertory procession or the presentation of the gifts. This brings me back to that sad survey showing that less than half of all Catholics believe in the Church’s teachingContinue reading “Do we really need the Presentation of the Gifts?”
Impure thoughts….
This if from the Movie “We Bought a Zoo” It made me laugh and we all need to laugh more. Especially when we talk about what an impure thought is! This entire concept has gone crazy. When I hear, “Bless me father it has been 2 days since my last confession.” Immediately I know whatContinue reading “Impure thoughts….”
Faith and Knowledge
People often question their faith and then worry about the fact that they question it. Plato and Socrates are know for the phrase that an un-examined life isn’t worth living and I think that applies to faith. An unquestioned faith is by nature shallow. I even heard a homily where the deacon said that notContinue reading “Faith and Knowledge”
How much of Mass can I miss for it to count
How much of Mass do I really need to attend to meet my Mass obligation?I love this question, not really. It isn’t about what counts and what doesn’t count. It is about trying to enter into a deeper relationship with our God. And to ask “what counts” I think of Sheldon on “Big Bang” andContinue reading “How much of Mass can I miss for it to count”
Do we listen to the Prayers at Mass?
I am starting to really like the presidential prayers in the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal. I think there might be many writings on this topic. Although I was originally among those that maligned the new translation, especially in he presidential prayers, I have come to find deep meaning in them. The 27th SundayContinue reading “Do we listen to the Prayers at Mass?”
Mingling of Water and Wine at Mass – Pet Peeve series #1
Deacons and priests are blessing the water before they put a drop of water into the chalice with the wine during the preparation of the gifts and I don’t like it. I also can’t find anything in the current rubrics calling forit. Frequently during my leave, I sat through Mass and wondered, could they haveContinue reading “Mingling of Water and Wine at Mass – Pet Peeve series #1”