Well, this is quicker than we had planned, but it is time sensitive. Here are two quick and easy things to do with leftovers. Thanks to John Seaworth, the sandwich doesn’t even have mayonnaise! The other is a real easy way to use some turkey for a pot pie! Thanks for all those that watchedContinue reading “What to do with Thanksgiving leftovers!”
Author Archives: Pat
First Cooking Video! Beer Bread!
This is the recipe the I am asked for the most an is probably the easiest! Beer Bread! SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE 3 cups self rising flour 3 table spoons sugar 1 12oz can of beer (SEE VIDEO) Honey (SEE VIDEO) Cook 375 for 40 minutes or so add butter at 30 minutes (again see Video)Continue reading “First Cooking Video! Beer Bread!”
St Pius X Catholic School! Classrooms OPEN!
#RebelStrong! This page will have a series of videos about the wonders of our school and why we or opening to our students August 17! Our hybrid model will keep the students at home connected to their classmates that are learning traditionally. To Visit our Website, click here or click here to go directly toContinue reading “St Pius X Catholic School! Classrooms OPEN!”
Octave of Easter Masses
Divine Mercy Sunday Friday Teen Adoration Adoration Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Easter
Holy Week Live Streams
Easter Vigil Good Friday Triduum Stations Holy Thursday Adoration Wednesday Live Streams Tueday Monday Palm Sunday Mass
Praise and Worship Adoration
St. Pius X Lenten Mission w/ Deacon Thom Winninger
I met Thom a few years ago at a conference. He is full of life and has taken his bussiness experience into his ministry and has a message that is on point and life changing. We have is book at the Church or you can get from his website by clicking here Enjoy his homilyContinue reading “St. Pius X Lenten Mission w/ Deacon Thom Winninger”
The Power of Social Media to do Good Things!
The Power of Social Media to do Good Things and Unite Strangers! A few weeks ago, my brother’s brand new bike that he got after a serious accident where a truck ran him off the road, was stolen. He was about to start the first day of Ride the Rockies and when we all gotContinue reading “The Power of Social Media to do Good Things!”
Televised Mass for the patron Saint of San Antonio!
Televised Mass for the patron Saint of San Antonio! I had the privilege of presiding at the televised Mass for the Patron Saint of San Antonio. This was aired at 9:30 AM this morning. Can’t wait for the celebration downtown of the official San Antonio 300 event for St. Antony of Padua or San AntonioContinue reading “Televised Mass for the patron Saint of San Antonio!”
Annunciation Mass
Annunciation Mass Thought I would start sharing these here, to help gain traffic for the Archdiocese. Please share this if you like!