Reflections, first political, after a Pilgrimage to Israel

Reflections, first political, after a Pilgrimage to Israel I am writing this for awareness of something I learned that I didn’t expect to as profoundly and I think most of my group feels the same.  I am working on 3 other blogs for Holy Week that are faith based coming from our trip.  (with pictures) Continue reading “Reflections, first political, after a Pilgrimage to Israel”

Homily after Florida School Shootings, Thursday after Ash Wednesday!

Homily after Florida School Shootings, Thursday after Ash Wednesday! I was asked to type out my homily for today, but not sure this is really what I said.  It was one of those inspired days and my second liturgy had a much deeper message, even through I set out to repeat what I had saidContinue reading “Homily after Florida School Shootings, Thursday after Ash Wednesday!”

Homily The 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B January 14, 2018 Deacon Dan McShane

Homily The 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B January 14, 2018 Deacon Dan McShane   Opening: I’m sure if you speak to anyone that is in the Ordained or Religious Life, or in Lay Ministry, they can all tell you a story about their call to their vocation.  Some might say that it wasContinue reading “Homily The 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B January 14, 2018 Deacon Dan McShane”

How Could God Let This Happen, God’s Will be done!

How Could God Let This Happen, God’s Will be done! Recently,  I have had many questions about God’s will.  I cringe when people say, “I am praying to accept God’s will.”  Like God is testing us by having bad things happen in our lives.  Jesus taught us to pray, God’s will be done.  Not helpContinue reading “How Could God Let This Happen, God’s Will be done!”

End of Year Thoughts (From my St. Pius X Bulletin Reflection)

End of Year Thoughts (From my St. Pius X Bulletin Reflection) As this year comes to an end, I realize that one of my most important relationships is also coming to an end, and I don’t like it.  My great friend Bishop “Bob” Brucato is in the hospital and it is becoming more obvious thatContinue reading “End of Year Thoughts (From my St. Pius X Bulletin Reflection)”

REJOICE! Gaudete! 3rd Sunday of Advent, Be Thankful!

REJOICE! Gaudete! 3rd Sunday of Advent, Be Thankful! Priests should wear pink and the reading remind us of many of the same things as the previous weeks with one very important difference.  Gaudete translates to rejoice and we need to remember to rejoice in all things, but Paul gives us another insight.   At  reading fromContinue reading “REJOICE! Gaudete! 3rd Sunday of Advent, Be Thankful!”