The Jews Missed the Messiah! (According to Christians) Why Advent? We have been listening to Christmas Carols in stores for months. Churches have Christmas lights and Trees already up and decorated. Why bother with a three week season this year? Ponder this: The Jews Missed the Messiah! (According to Christians) But by our faith, theContinue reading “The Jews Missed the Messiah! (According to Christians)”
Author Archives: Pat
San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo-Youth Connection
San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo-Youth Connection As many of you know, I have spent years volunteering with the Horse Show Committee. I announce and have driving just about every piece of commitment there. It was a huge commitment that I can’t do and be pastor at the same time. Although I thought about quittingContinue reading “San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo-Youth Connection”
Advent – A season of Waiting…
Advent – A season of Waiting… Last week I emphasized the preparing aspect of Advent, the weekend readings also showed it is a time of waiting. As in preparing, we don’t like waiting either. What is a season of Waiting? For one, our life is a season of waiting. We know we will die andContinue reading “Advent – A season of Waiting…”
Advent in the next day or even same day world! (Thanks Amazon & UPS)
Advent in the next day or even same day world! (Thanks Amazon & UPS) A season to prepare, Advent. I think most of us get too busy to take the time for it, yet it is essential to a meaningful celebration of Christmas! We have Amazon and UPS working together that we can order thingsContinue reading “Advent in the next day or even same day world! (Thanks Amazon & UPS)”
On Thanksgiving Morning, Things that I am Thankful for…
On Thanksgiving Morning, Things that I am Thankful for… I woke up on this Thanksgiving Morning missing my parents. To remedy that I decided to take my own advice to others and look at all the things that I have to be thankful for this day. I will not remember everyone, but this is justContinue reading “On Thanksgiving Morning, Things that I am Thankful for…”
Thoughts after Southerland Springs 1st Baptist Shooting.
Thoughts after Southerland Springs 1st Baptist Shooting. I didn’t want to respond to the violence in Southerland Springs right away. I was mad and frustrated. How could this be and so close. This will be a summary of my homily and for those upset that I am not jumping on the gun control wagon, pleaseContinue reading “Thoughts after Southerland Springs 1st Baptist Shooting.”
JBSA Airshow 2017 Pictures … Great show thanks JBSA and Lackland AFB
JBSA Airshow 2017 Pictures … Great show thanks JBSA and Lackland AFB From middle of show for all those that are deployed and their families. This was something new.
JBSA Airshow Videos, I love airshows! Great day, Great weather.
JBSA Airshow Videos, I love airshows! Great day, Great weather.
Archbishop Gustavo’s Statement on shootings in Southerland Springs today.
Archbishop Gustavo’s Statement on shootings in Southerland Springs today. Statement of Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, of San Antonio on shooting at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs We need prayers! The families affected in the shooting this morning at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs need prayers. The evil perpetrated on these whoContinue reading “Archbishop Gustavo’s Statement on shootings in Southerland Springs today.”
Weight-loss and the Relationship you have with your Scale!
Weight-loss and the Relationship you have with your Scale! For those that didn’t read another blog of mine on weight-loss; I’m a slow learner and this is the third time that I have had to lose a significant amount of weight. Each time I have have lost, I have maintained that loss for at leastContinue reading “Weight-loss and the Relationship you have with your Scale!”