Simply One Word, Amen, Not I Believe or ANYTHING else! This is part of another Blog, but I feel that it needs to be repeated. I have preached on it, taught about it and still feel that we are a long way from people getting it! When receiving communion and you hear, the simple phrasesContinue reading “Simply One Word, Amen, Not I Believe or ANYTHING else!”
Author Archives: Pat
Last Rites – Pet Peeve #4
Last Rites – Pet Peeve #4 I just got off the phone with a class mate that is now part time chaplain in a secular hospital, being paid by the Archdiocese to be there. (In my last blog he is the person to my left) Worlds apart, he is nearer the Great Lakes than anyContinue reading “Last Rites – Pet Peeve #4”
July 08, 1989 or 28 years ago last Saturday, I was Ordained a Priest.
July 08, 1989 or 28 years ago last Saturday I was Ordained a Priest. With family and friends to help celebrate, including three US Air Force Chaplains that had been with me through formation, my Bishop ordained a priest. Things were amazing. I felt like the luckiest person in the world. Then things changed. IContinue reading “July 08, 1989 or 28 years ago last Saturday, I was Ordained a Priest.”
Under Paid, Over Worked and Extremely Happy!
Under Paid, Over Worked and Extremely Happy! While at a youth event I was talking to two Franciscan Sisters. We were talking about how dealing with you has changed and how different our world was just in last ten years. Some how we ended up talking about other things we had done and the circuitousContinue reading “Under Paid, Over Worked and Extremely Happy!”
Part 2 of the Ireland Pictures. Better Late than Never?
Part 2 of the Ireland Pictures. Better Late than Never? It took some time to go through all the picture, almost 500 and reduce the ones for here. I still thing there maybe be a few too many, but here we go anyway.
First Post from Ireland
First Post From Ireland It is hard to believe that we are here. All are safe and sound and dealing with jet lag in our own ways. We have a very diverse group and the only two things that bring us all together are either people at parishes that I have served or friends andContinue reading “First Post from Ireland”
A mixed day, a farewell to Archbishop Patricio Flores.
A mixed day, a farewell to Archbishop Patricio Flores. –Written the evening Archbishop Flores was burried. Due to a glitch, or operator error this never published, so very late, it is published. A mixed day, a farewell to Archbishop Patricio Flores is bitter sweet. He wasn’t himself, yet now he is again whole. To allContinue reading “A mixed day, a farewell to Archbishop Patricio Flores.”
Confirmation – Something New for this Priest to Ponder!
Confirmation – Something new for this priest to ponder! Confirmation is something new for me to ponder! Sunday for the first time as the presider, I had the privilege to confirm 57 young people. I have had the bad luck to hear some of the worst confirmation homilies of all time. I’ve watched bishops warnContinue reading “Confirmation – Something New for this Priest to Ponder!”
St. Pius X San Antonio, Town Hall Meeting
St. Pius X San Antonio Town Hall Meeting Here are the slides from the meeting last night. For all those that couldn’t make it! Hope this helps!
Sitting vs Kneeling vs Standing Until Everyone has Received Communion
Sitting vs Kneeling vs Standing Until Everyone has Received Communion —Reposting as article changed its URL If I had known the headache my request to try standing after communion for a few months was going to create, I probably would have decided to wait, maybe for ever. This is an extra to help clarify. (IContinue reading “Sitting vs Kneeling vs Standing Until Everyone has Received Communion”