Daily Mass – Why isn’t it full? First, lets take out the obvious, the priest. To answer to Daily Mass – Why isn’t it full, we need to look deeper. We need to think about why we do go to mass. Many reasons motivate people to go to church and to Mass. There is theContinue reading “Daily Mass – Why isn’t it full?”
Category Archives: Faith
All Saints Day
All Saints Day We celebrate All Saints Day every year and it amazes me that more people don’t show up for this Mass like they do for Ash Wednesday. We need to come up with something to give away, that would fix it, but what? We love Ashes reminding us that we are going toContinue reading “All Saints Day”
Voting 2016, Things I’m tired of hearing.
Voting 2016, Things I’m tired of hearing I saw a sign yesterday 2016 they all “stink”. I had to change it, but Voting 2016 is bringing out the bad side of many, even some brother priests. Please feel free to print this and give to people not following these guidelines. First as a non-profit weContinue reading “Voting 2016, Things I’m tired of hearing.”
Impure thoughts revisited from Priestly Ponderings
Impure Thoughts revisited from Priestly Ponderings A few people commented on this blog and I wrote it month ago before many of you had found this. I figured it was a good time to re-post this after a few discussions on my trip and people sharing experiences in the confessional. I think this is aContinue reading “Impure thoughts revisited from Priestly Ponderings”
Pro Catholic and Happily Anti politics!
Pro Catholic and Happily Anti politics! I have avoided this and avoided this and just tried to remain in the middle of the road and quiet. Remember, I tried, is everyone clear, I tried? As an obviously Pro Catholic and Anti politics priest, that is also extremely extroverted, I can’t keep quiet anymore. YouContinue reading “Pro Catholic and Happily Anti politics!”
Faith -> My Homily for 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time C 2016
Faith -> My Homily for 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time C 2016 I think we are having more of a crisis of faith than just with our Church. As I kid I remember Vietnam and Watergate and those don’t even seem so bad compared to today, but they seem to be the start of aContinue reading “Faith -> My Homily for 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time C 2016”
Hell, How can a loving God allow Hell to exist?
Hell, How can a loving God allow Hell to exist? I hear all the time, how can a loving God allow Hell to exist? Easy, it has to exist. So the shortest blog ever. Not really, but that is the correct answer or there is no purpose to life. We have to let kids makeContinue reading “Hell, How can a loving God allow Hell to exist?”
Homily 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Sept 18th 2016
Homily 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Sept 18th 2016 The readings for today from the USCCB website are AM 8:4-7 PS 113:1-2, 4-6, 7-8 1 TM 2:1-8 LK 16:1-13 The Gospel is troubling as the Steward cheats his master and is rewarded. I never write out my homilies. My process starts on Sunday and I read the readings for theContinue reading “Homily 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Sept 18th 2016”
Mercy is our Cross
Mercy is our cross. I have heard this a few times and it take me back each time. Mercy is defined as compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. That is according to Mr. Google. How do you get from there to Mercy is our Cross.Continue reading “Mercy is our Cross”
Time for Everything even Mercy
There is a Time for everything even Mercy – Mercy revisited! After the pilgrimage to Ireland post which was meant to go off schedule and then my Funny Marquee signs going early and another draft idea getting published. I wanted to get caught up and a bit ahead. I figured it was time to Visit anotherContinue reading “Time for Everything even Mercy”